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Ameri-Drone can come to you!

Ameri-Drone, LLC is available for domestic or international travel for jobs not in our immediate area of operation. For more information, please email


Springfield, MO



LiDAR - The future of mapping

LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distances and create detailed 3D maps of objects and environments. It works by emitting laser pulses and measuring the time it takes for the light to bounce back after hitting an object. This data is then used to generate high-resolution maps or to detect and track objects. LiDAR technology has various applications, including autonomous vehicles, aerial mapping, forestry, archaeology, and more. It's a fascinating technology that helps us better understand and navigate the world around us!

Drone LiDAR, or using LiDAR technology on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has a wide range of applications across various industries. Some of the industries that benefit from drone LiDAR include:

Surveying and Mapping: Drone LiDAR enables accurate and detailed topographic mapping, land surveying, and terrain modeling. It helps professionals in construction, urban planning, and civil engineering to gather precise data for site analysis and design.

Agriculture: Drone LiDAR assists in precision agriculture by providing detailed information about crop health, vegetation density, and terrain elevation. This data helps farmers optimize irrigation, fertilization, and crop management techniques.

Forestry and Environmental Monitoring: Drone LiDAR aids in forest inventory, biomass estimation, and monitoring of ecosystem health. It enables the assessment of tree height, canopy density, and forest structure, facilitating better forest management and conservation efforts.

Infrastructure Inspection: Drone LiDAR can be used to inspect and assess the condition of infrastructure such as bridges, power lines, and pipelines. It helps detect structural defects, erosion, and vegetation encroachment, enabling timely maintenance and ensuring public safety.

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Drone LiDAR assists in archaeological surveys and documentation of historical sites. It allows for the detection and visualization of hidden structures, terrain features, and artifacts, aiding in cultural preservation and research.

These are just a few examples, but drone LiDAR technology continues to find applications in various other industries, contributing to efficiency, accuracy, and data-driven decision-making


Springfield, MO 65803, US

About us

Monte Dudgeon (Owner/Chief Pilot)
An FAA (Part 107) sUAS Commercial Pilot since 2016, Monte has operated drones from Florida to Idaho, South Dakota to Texas and in between. He has performed 3D mapping of Cell Towers, crop fields, construction sites and now can produce a variety of file formats such as
- Ground Classified laz file (the point cloud)
- SHP file containing geometry data
- DFX contains information about 2D and 3D designs, including geometry, dimensions, and other attributes.
- DBF attribute format file
- SHX shape index file
- DEM in TIF format
- Accuracy Report
First established in 2016 in Texas, Ameri-Drone, LLC currently operates out of Springfield, Missouri.

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